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Ticonderoga Revitalization Alliance is a non-profit 501c3 local development corporation (LDC) whose mission is to restore economic prosperity in the Ticonderoga region by serving as a catalyst for innovative ideas and resources, and for public-private partnerships and investment opportunities.

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The Ticonderoga Revitalization Alliance envisions the Ticonderoga Area (including Hague, Putnam, Moriah and Crown Point) as a regional business and cultural hub that provides its residents and the region with gainful employment and a high standard of living, abundant year-round work, recreational, and entertainment opportunities and a sense of “place”.


We envision a vibrant Montcalm Street that attracts upscale businesses and foot traffic, a more balanced residential age demographic to support it, and a destination “brand” that promotes our year-round historic, present day, and futuristic assets to regional residents and tourists.


The Alliance will utilize the tools available to an LDC to promote public and private partnerships that can bring this vision to life.

Our Focus

  • Expand post secondary educational opportunities to drive & retain a younger population and skilled workforce

  • Expand tourism access to bring year-round tourist dollars into our economy from outside the region

  • Develop downtown “anchor” buildings to host larger businesses and cultural attractions

  • Encourage Montcalm Street businesses driven by motivated owners that support community needs and attract foot traffic

  • Attract non-retail and non-tourism employers to Ticonderoga area

  • Develop housing to accommodate new and working residents as needed

  • Build public and private investment resources


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