Our community has careers,
and our students are eager to explore them.

How the Career Exploration program works:
Ti-Alliance's Career Exploration program has two elements: Students in the Field and Professionals in the Classroom. Students in the Field provides students with out-of-classroom experiences. Professionals in the Classroom provides students with in-classroom experiences. Both programs help students explore career opportunities and connect with local employers.
The Students in the Field program arranges worksite visits for students. Students ask the workers about how they came to be in that profession, what they like and dislike about their work, how much they make each year, and how they get qualified to do that type of work. The professional gives them a tour of the site and teaches them a small skill. After the visit, the students share their experiences with their classmates.
Since the program launched in 2020, the "students in the field" have explored dozens of local careers. Professions covered have included design, construction, mechanical/civil engineering, excavating, carpentry, electrical, archeology, curation, exhibit design, marine mechanics, automotive mechanics, landscaping, property maintenance, human resources, hospitality, veterinary services, and more.
The Professionals in the Classroom program launched in 2023 by bringing a solar energy professional into local high school classrooms. Since then, students have learned from welders, art restoration professionals, vets, and other interesting occupations in our community. The classroom format enables employers to connect their professional experiences to students' in-classroom learning.
If you are interested in volunteering to support the Career Exploration program, contact our Program Coordinator, Melinda Fuller, at melinda@ticonderoga-alliance.org to get involved.

Got Skills?
How about donating just a bit of your time to help
get the next generation interested in skilled careers?
We have such an urgent need for skilled labor in our area. Whether it's the construction and service industry, medical services, IT, restaurants, paramedics... you name it, we need it. This program works to get students interested in these careers by giving them a live experience with someone in the field.
Internships - Connecting Employers with New Talent
Internships allow students to experiment with careers and employers to "interview" prospective employees. If you are interested in mentoring a student for an 8-week internship, and potentially finding a great new employee, contact us.
Recruitment - Creating a Workforce Pipeline
Employers have the opportunity to distribute job applications and employment information during Students in the Field trips. It's a great way to potentially find new employees, build interest, and cultivate community relations.
Such a Tiny Commitment for Such a Big Payoff
All it takes is just 1 hour of your time to provide a great service to these students and our community. It is SO fun and satisfying to spend an hour with these kids and their inspired instructors. Who knows, you could be meeting and mentoring your future employees.

To host a Students in the Field visit contact Melinda Fuller at melinda@ticonderoga-alliance.org or call us at 518-503-6555.